

Note: I'm going to be tackling multiple topics; hence the rather vague title.

So, on a new note, Y4J is starting on Saturdays and I really need to continue studying for this week, bllaaaah.


So I downloaded the Battlefield: Bad company demo onto my Ps3 and I'm just going to come out and say it. It's a great game with a bit of a high price. Besides the game's size, the initial playing was good. Although it had a bit of a learning curve, and ran at 576p! (I'll be returning to this later.) Single player was rather nice, the destructible environments are pretty swank, being able to blow up parts of houses or knock down trees is pretty fun and functional in single player and multiplayer. The graphics were not that good and didn't run on HD. Blah, lost some respect there. Now I'm walking into the multiplayer... In Multiplayer there are two teams; the attackers and the Defenders. This game mode is reminiscent of Gunz' unofficial Attack and Defend game mode which I. LOVED. The HUD is overall rather shit, while the minimap is nice, the rest is utter shit. It's bland and overall hindering at times. The crosshair is utterly DISMAL to use; mostly since it can't even show the recoil range when firing. Now handling the controls is okay; if you find "realistic" walking means having your head bob up and down like a pair of huge tits. End even worse when it comes to looking and shooting close range, I've been playing around with the sensitivity and I am still unable to find a comfortable speed, not to mention shooting a grenade from your gun, or perhaps even a little sniping is a bit bat-shit hard since you have to lead and having such a poor HUD which has no numerical information to help estimate leading; making the entire ordeal all-the-more difficult. Another critique is the close range shooting, because when you're shooting, it doesn't feel right, there's a total lack of immersion as it's frustrating to be in a fire-fight, similar to Haze, and utterly unlike (and I'm sorry for bringing this up in a review) CoD4 (where shooting feels like shooting, and it's actually rewarding to fight. Although I partially liked sniping in this, for lead ing the bullets onto targets was a game in itself, not to mention the HUGE maps allowed for some fantastic sniping. And mentioning sniping reminded me of something else, there's no prone position, making sniping a bit abysmal when it comes to finding a good hiding place, seeing as you cant go prone underneath a bush or by a tree, to minimise recoil and your hitbox, also leaving you unable to hide behind shorter walls from the enemy eye. Seeing as trying to hide from ballistics of any sort is a bit futile, since environments break down like wafers in a toilet.. Vehicles are also nice, but when your playing defend and have a team who refuses to blow up the tanks, you find your team getting beaten pretty damned hard. Nearly sodomised for chrissakes. Next, is the game system. That is to say, weapons unlocking, leveling and whatnot. Overall it's really balanced and is quite simple, reach the next rank and you receive 1 credit, which is used to unlock any weapon or item of your choice. Solid system right there. The sound is okay, but can be a little off, and it sounds a little funny but suits the games light atmosphere. And I got to admit, the music that's used is absolute bliss to listen too n_n The BIGGEST problem was the face the game was FIXATED with fucking my resolution It INSISTED I make the default resolution 567p and that I shan't use a style for my Ps3, and that pissed me off; big time. I deleted the thing, but yet I still re-downloaded it. *sigh* And apparently, few have this problem, not a large number but it's still there. Overall, I think the game is kinda mediocre, but it still kept me coming back for more. Kind of like certain movies I guess. Blah. I recommend the game, perhaps a rent on console, unless you want to go for the PC version. Might fix most of the problems you'd experience on a console. 7/10 babies =/

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