
Art and stuff and yeah!

To think that I'm finally 16. I hit the legal drinki- Oh no wait I haven't because 16-year-olds drinking is one of the top crises in our country. Dod freakin' gamn it. Americans my age are already the drivers of large, heavy, metal deathmobiles that they use to pick up other drivers of large, heavy, metal deathmobiles and here I am unable to purchase a beer.
Mind you, they can't drink until they're twenty-one. Ha-has to America, yes indeedy.

Hear that?

No? Well, that sound is the sound of SHALLOW VICTORY, and it sounds like an aluminium bell. ;_;

OK, honestly I don't care that much but I needed a bit of comic pessimism to start the blog, that's how the cookie breaks/bakes/crumbles/explodes. All in all, my birthday (and the day preceding it) kicked the ass out of a donkey farm. But that's not what you want to hear about, is it? No no, you want to hear about the HOT SEXY ASS CAMERA I GOT OH YEAH.

Well, you won't. Instead you get an artsy fartsy update! That's right, artsy fartsy.

It's true!


Delicious :3

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