
Welcome to the Las Vegas ring! In one corner, we've got...

So, there's a petition to stop Dr. Uwe Boll's Career of taking video games, chopping their limbs off, covering them in pig's fat and then labeling it as his "Latest hit film".
The Petition is aiming for 1,000,000 signatures, so far reaching 24% of its goal. 

First time I heard of the guy, I thought to myself, "Could he really be THAT bad?". I, being the young and foolish adolescent, rented a few of his films. I can tell you, drugs aren't the only thing that adolescent curiosity can tempt you to experiment with. And just like drugs, his films are bad. Really, REALLY bad.

Thinking this guy was just some young buck who sucked, I didn't think I could hate him, but he made me hate him. This guy is failing beyond all expectations. I mean, not only is he a middle-aged man who's had some experience, but as far as public reactions go, his are extremely childish. He later rebutted to more hate from the populous,  at the beginning I felt he was trying to make a valid point, then BAM, a reflex must've kicked in, throwing his head so far up his ass he re-created the CatDog self-ingestion paradox.

He then preaches to the haters, saying he found the IPs of petition-signers and tracked them down like an internet hax0r, despite calling Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay 'computer nerds' for, APPARENTLY, signing more than once. What? Did he seriously accuse these two directors of signing an e-petition multiple times personally? Qrwtfbbq? Also, he continues by saying he found a "Film" on YouTube  by one of the undersigned, and started to ridicule it and compare it to his films even though he puts his out for profit in cinemas, while these guys were trying to get a few laughs on youtube. What was he expecting? To find the works of Giacomo Talimini? Or perhaps a box-office hit?

I'm unsure wether he is schizophrenic, or just an air-headed pillock.

Also, if anyone finds the video where he calls out Michael Bay for a fight in the ring, please send!

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