
The Natural yet Somewhat Less-Useful Internet.

I have not posted in a while. I call that dedication. Oh yes.

In case you haven't noticed, NEW LAYOUT, if you already noticed, awesome now get with the others and celebrate the new layout. Free chicken wings for all.

So a while ago I was thinking, and I had a thought. A thought that I found to be quite deep.

What did I do?

I did what any pseudo-intellectual would--post it on my facebook.

You can hug the whole freakin' world. That's awesome, hug the word and everyone on it. You can look at the moon and think 'wow, there are other people avoiding coursework just to look at the moon; like I am!'

Just last night I was looking at and pondering about said moon. Then my friend, who's studying for her A levels just sends me a text, telling me how beautiful the moon is. Now there's only two explanations for this.

  1. I told her I was going to look at the moon.
  2. She saw my reflection in the moon (and thus has ocular powers I should ask her about)
So, that's all for now, I got a bigger post to bring so GET READY.

Or don't, I know I wouldn't hold my breath or anything. You can't wait for dedication



LG said...



a spelling mistake that captcha is meant to read: tiblogJa

Bettina said...

hah i diiid see you! well i saw a guy..den i figured it must be jamie xD haha *with my fancy far-away vision mehn!*..my my wat chemistry does to me xD

LeÓn said...

WHoa. Very interesting. I liked it, and I will hold my breath....